Rail, joint bars, tie plates, spikes, bolts, weld kits, lubricant, grout, frogs, switches, switch stands, bumping posts, derails. WBE/DBE certified stocking distributor.
New rail; relay rail; new turnouts; track accessories; restoration of used switch material; rail removal and inspection; third rail; cover board; insulators; fiberglass bridge grating; epoxy grout, weld kits.
Exports U.S.-manufactured m/w equipment. Representative for Corys T.E.S.S., Little Giant Corp., TESCO, NORDCO, Stanley Hydraulic Tools, Track-Weld Industries, IPS Worldwide, TELEWELD, & Badger Equipment.
UNITRAC is a quality certified company that specializes in the design, manufacture, distribution of railroad materials, services, & trackwork solutions. Focused on full service supplier solutions, we bring the advanced knowledge, experience & technology needed to offer comprehensive supplier...